How You Handle Career Setbacks Is What Makes You Unique
How You Handle Career Setbacks Is What Makes You Unique
Experience is not what happens to you; it is what you do with what happens to you.
– Aldous Huxley

Everyone thinks they are unique.

Here are three examples of calls I had this past week with prospects:

“I have a unique situation. My dream job appeared! I am interviewing in two days and I don’t have a resume – can you help me?”

Answer: Yes, but you are not unique. I had one other call just this week with someone who had a dream job interview fall into their lap and they weren’t ready either.

“My situation is different. I was promised a position under the newly merged company, since I had built up the previous two products we had. I stopped my interviewing and focused on the new job coming, and they just pulled it from me. They told me I don’t have a place in the newly merged firm. So now I am scrambling to find something. Can you help me?”

Answer: Yes, we can help. However, channeling my inner Yoda, I am here to tell you “Unique, you are not.” I had two other people this past week reach out to tell me that their company’s plans for them shifted and they are not getting what they were promised.

“You are not going to believe what happened to me. Company closed down our location with no notice. Just like that… I mean have you ever heard of such a thing?”

Answer: Yes, I have. And it is not unique. And we can help.

I can give you even more “unique” situations that people experience every day.

Here is the one thing we all have in common: We all have career setbacks.

We all have adverse experiences that we would rather not talk about at cocktail parties, and that we certainly prefer interviewers do not ask about on an interview.

Every single one of us.

Here is where you make yourself unique: It is what you DO with that experience, that sets you apart from the crowd.

Yes, whatever lemonade you make from those lemons is what draws the crowd of lemonade drinkers who want to buy the yummy drink you are selling.

So to make the most of your situation, and spin it into a positive story to attract the jobs you want. Learn how to write your resume and LinkedIn profile and use the right job search tactics – ensuring that you will attract thirsty employers wanting your lemonade.